Friday, 11 December 2015

Netapp Q&A

1.How to configure filer?
   A.Using setup command we shall configure filer. And using cifs setup command we shall configure cifs.

2.What are all the filers currently using in your company and how many filers are there.Whether all are in clustered or standalone?
  A.FAS 3070,FAS 2050,FAS 6080..Say some around 15-20 filers(according to environment it ll change).
      FAS 3070 and FAS 2050 are in clustered.

3.How many controllers are in standalone mode?

4.What is snapshot.And how many snapshots can be created in a volume.And why you are going for snapshot?
  A.Point-in time copy of active filesystem. 255 snapshots can be created in a volume.Since snapshot is going to take only the copy of inodes
     not a files & its contents so that backup & restore will be speedy also consume less space.

5.How will you create and restore a snapshot?
  A. snap create <snapname> <volname>
      snap restore -t vol -s <snapname> <volname> (volume level restore)
      snap restore -t file -r <restore location> <restore from path> (file level restore)

6.Before restoring,whether we want to check the snapshot which we going to restore is available or not in that volume?
   A. Yes, we want to check before restoring.

7.What are the schedules available in snapshot?Explain it?
   A.weekly,nightly & hourly. Weekly means every week nit 12'o clk. Nightly means every night 12'o clk. Hourly means every hour.

8.How much space will be reserved for snapshot in volume.Is it possible to change it?
   A.20 % reserve for snapshot in a volume. Yes we can change using the cmd: snap reserve <volname> <how much in %>.

9.How will you access to filer in console login?
  A.Have to connect the serial cable (filer end RJ45 and  Laptop end 9 pin cable) and then try login thro' hyper terminal.

10.What is aggregate and why you are creating that?
   A.Pool of disk is called aggregate. To form a raid groups for disk striping and redundancy purpose.

11.What are all the RAID levels will support ONTAP?
   A.RAID_DP and RAID-4.

12.Differnce between RAID_DP and RAID-4?
   A.RAID_DP can withstand double disk failure but RAID-4 can withstand only single disk failure.

13.What is volume.What are the different types of volumes?
    A.Volume is a logical partition of aggregates.There are two volume Traditional volume and flexible volume.

14.Difference between two volumes?
   A. Traditional is tightly coupled with h/w i.e.,its purely depend on h/w. But flexible is loosely coupled with h/w, it wont depend on h/w.

15.What is qtree?And how will you create it?
   A.Qtree is a logical partition of volume. qtree create <qtreepath>

16.What are the fields in quotas?
   A. 1.filepath,2.type (qtree/user/group),3.quota size.

17.How will you share a qtree to unix users?
   A.Using NFS sharing. (make entry in /etc/exports)

18.What are all the things you will enter while sharing using NFS?
   A.Client address,filepath which we going to share,access path(ro,rw,root),Security type(sys,none)

19.What is the difference between rw & root in NFS?
   A."root" means giving full control for client side rooot user.
      "rw" means even the client root user cant able to rw operations, only the user who is having the same uid no(both client & server uid must be same) can able to perform rw operations.

20.How will you share a file to a particular user in client side using NFS?
   A. Want to make entry in /etc/netgroup. (exactly dont know,if any one know the answer for this kindly send me).

21.What is CIFS?
    A.Common internet file system used to share a files for windows users.

22.If the qtree which is shared in cifs is in UNIX security then is it possible to access that share by windows user?
    A.Yes win users can able to access the shared qtree.Since security option is only to indicate which OS(unix/NTFS) can set file permission no who can access the file.

23.What is the operarion performing in cluster mode?
  A.If any node goes down means then the partner node will take over the services handled by the failed node.After issue get fixed partner will give back the services again back to the same node.

24.How node-B will know that node-A goes down how the node-B take over node-A.What is the connection between node-A&B.Is there want to make any entry in files?
   A.Yes, want to make entry in /etc/rc for IP failover.

25.What is snapmirror?
   A.Snapmirror is a replication technology which replicates the data from source to destination using snapshot copies.

26.Is the source volume level and destination volume level will be same or destination should be greater than source in SM?
  A.May be equal in size or des_vol mus be greater than so_vol.

28.How will you initialize SM?
  A.snapmirror initialize -S node1:sou_vol des_vol (initiate baseline transfer)

29.If the base snapshot copy is deleted then how will initialize the SM?
        (If any one know the answer for this kindly send me).

30.Now you want to migrate one volume data's to another aggregate within the same filer how will you perform it?
  A. Using ndmp copy.
       1.Create one volume in that aggregate (same vol size as sou_vol) perform ndmp copy
           ndmpcopy sou_vol des_vol

31.If one disk failure in RAID_DP environment means what will happen?
    A.Then disk will get replaced from spare disk and data will automatically transfered to spare disk.

32.When data transfereing(from failed to spare disk) is going on at that time itself there is one more data disk failed now will there any data loss will occur in RAID_DP environment?
  A.No,there wont be any data loss if it is RAID-4 then there will be data loss.

33.What will be status in SM when baseline xfr is going on?
  A. uninitialized. After "update" status will changed to snapmirrored.

34.In what suituation you will call NetApp engineers?
  A.If filer is down due to h/w failures then we will call engineers and for any problem which requires their help.

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