Friday 11 December 2015




  • A qtree is similar like Newfolder(windows). 
  • Using quota we can limit the qtree size. 
  • Qtree represents the third level partitioned in the storage, Because aggregate conatin volumes and the volumes resides qtree. 
  • Qtree have its own security style like
NTFS = Windows
UNIX = Linux, Solaris and all unix
Mixed = both Unix and Windows

Argument :
FAS> qtree security qtree_name [unix | Winows | mixed]

Example :

The security style of a qtree named qtree1 in the root volume to ntfs:

FAS> > qtree security qtree1 ntfs

The security style of a qtree named test in the vol1 volume to ntfs:

FAS> > qtree security /vol/vol1/test ntfs

The security style of the root volume to unix:

FAS> > qtree security / unix

The security style of the vol1 volume to unix:

FAS> > qtree security /vol/vol1/ unix

Fas > qtree

Volume        Tree            Style              Oplocks     Status
--------       --------             -----              --------        --------
vol0                                unix              enabled          normal
vol0            qtree1          ntfs               enabled          normal
vol1                               unix               enabled          normal
vol1            test              ntfs                disabled           normal

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