Friday, 11 December 2015



  • Quota is specific to restrict disk space and no of file for the user and group.
  • Quota is used for volume and qtree.
  • Using Quota we can set the threshold limit and we will get the notification once volume or qtree reaching the threshold limit.

There is two type of quota:

1. Soft Quota
2. Hard Quota

Hard Quota:

  1. In the hard quota if we fix some size for the qtree, once it reached the size then you can not write any data.
  2. write operation will fails and quota notification is sent through SNMP to the user.

Soft Quota:       
  1.  In the soft quota if we fix some size for the qtree, once it reached the size after that you can able to write any data. 
  2. Write operation will not  fails, But quota notification is sent through SNMP to the user.

There is three level of Quota 

Volume level : 
  1. Using volume quota we can limit vol size and threshold limit.
  2. if vol size contain 100gb, if we set threshold limit is 70g once the volume reached 70g. it will get msg " Vol1 is reached the threshold limit".

Qtree level :  

  1. Using qtree quota we can limit qtree size and threshold limit.
  2. if vol size contain 100gb, if we set threshold limit for one of the qtree inside the volume 20g once the qtree reached 20g. it will get msg " qtree is reached the threshold limit".
Quota File Description 

The /etc/quotas is the configuration file in the NetApp

Quota Target     Type             Hard limit      Hard  Files     Threshold limit           Soft limit    Soft file
/vol/vol1/q1           tree                    70g            10k                       50g                           -                 - 

  1. Consider as a volume(vol1) size is 100gb then qtree (q1) residing in the vol1 (/vol/vol1/q1).
  2. Threshold limit we fixed 50g, once the qtree crossed 50gb. it will  send notification.
  3. Hard files here we fixed 10g, so that we can not create or paste more then 10,000 files, like notepad, word, excel, ppt, new folder, pdf, mp3,avi,..etc
  4. Hard Limit here we fixed 70g, so that it will show  70gb is the total size for that qtree.

  • Quota target. The specific entity within the quota type to be acted on. For example, if the type is user, the quota target is a specific user. 
  • Type. Type of entity to which the quota rule applies. Supported types are Windows or UNIX users, UNIX group, or qtree. 
  • Disk. The hard space limit that applies to the quota target. 
  • Files. The hard limit on the number of files that are allowed for this quota target.
  • Thold. The space warning threshold. If an attempt to allocate space for the quota target would exceed the threshold, a warning message is logged on the storage system console, and an SNMP trap is generated.
  • Sdisk. The soft disk limit, which is analogous to the disk limit except that the limit is not enforced. Instead, a warning message is logged on the storage system, and an SNMP trap is generated. When the quota target’s usage falls below the sdisk limit, another message is logged, and an SNMP trap is generated. 
  • Sfile. Analogous to sdisk, except it acts on the number of files generated rather than on space usage. For a list of suffixes that can be used in the disk, files, thold, sdisk, and sfile fields, see “Quota File Allowable Suffixes.”

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