Thursday 17 March 2016

Clustered DATA ONTAP – License Management

In NetApp Data ONTAP , you must buy license keys to enable the additional features.  NetApp Data ONTAP 8.2 onwards ,all the licesne keys are 28 characters in length.  In Clustered Data ONTAP , you must keep the license entitlement same across the all the nodes. This will ensure that fail-over will happen without any issues. In this article we are going to see that how to manage the license codes on NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2. This includes Add/Remove/display the license keys using the cluster shell.
NetApp On-Command graphical utility will help you to manage the license keys from graphical window. Cluster – > Cluster_name- > Configuration – > System Tools – > License
Note: – NetApp License are based on the system serial number.
1.Login to the cluster Management LIF as admin user.  (ssh session)
Cluster Management LIF - Netapp
Cluster Management LIF – Netapp

Once you have logged in , you will get the cluster shell like below.
login as: admin
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.

2.Check the cluster serial number.
NetUA::> cluster identity show

          Cluster UUID: 69a95be8-XXXX-11e5-8987-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
          Cluster Name: NetUA
 Cluster Serial Number: 1-80-XXXXXX
      Cluster Location: BLR
       Cluster Contact:


3. Check the Netapp controllers serial number, use the following command.
NetUA::> system node show -fields node,serialnumber
node     serialnumber
-------- ------------
NetUA-01 40XX432-XX-X
NetUA-02 40XX389-XX-X
2 entries were displayed.


4. Navigate to the license hierarchy and check the available options.
NetUA::> license

NetUA::system license> ?
  add                         Add one or more licenses
  clean-up                    Remove unnecessary licenses
  delete                      Delete a license
  show                        Display licenses
  status>                     Display license status

NetUA::system license>
Note: To know the available option, just type “?” in the cluster shell at any time.

Checking the License status:

1. Check the currently installed licenses. At this time ,we just have the base license installed on the system.
NetUA::system license> show

Serial Number: 1-80-XXXXXXX
Owner: NetUA
Package           Type    Description           Expiration
----------------- ------- --------------------- --------------------
Base              license Cluster Base License  -

NetUA::system license>

2. To see the available features that can enable and complete license summary, use the following command.
NetUA::system license> status show
Package            Licensed Method  Expiration
-----------------  ---------------  --------------------
Base               license          -
NFS                none             -
CIFS               none             -
iSCSI              none             -
FCP                none             -
CDMI               none             -
SnapRestore        none             -
SnapMirror         none             -
FlexClone          none             -
SnapVault          none             -
SnapLock           none             -
SnapManagerSuite   none             -
SnapProtectApps    none             -
V_StorageAttach    none             -
                   none             -
Insight_Balance    none             -
16 entries were displayed.

NetUA::system license>

Adding the new License key:

1. Let’s add the license for iSCSI and check the status.
NetUA::system license> add -license-code XXXXKTJWXXXXBGXAGAAAAAAXXXX
License for package "iSCSI" and serial number "1-81-0000000000000004079432749" i                                                                     nstalled successfully.
(1 of 1 added successfully)

NetUA::system license> status show
Package            Licensed Method  Expiration
-----------------  ---------------  --------------------
Base               license          -
NFS                none             -
CIFS               none             -
iSCSI              license          -
FCP                none             -
CDMI               none             -
SnapRestore        none             -
SnapMirror         none             -
FlexClone          none             -
SnapVault          none             -
SnapLock           none             -
SnapManagerSuite   none             -
SnapProtectApps    none             -
V_StorageAttach    none             -
                   none             -
Insight_Balance    none             -
16 entries were displayed.

NetUA::system license>
The previous command summary states that iSCSI feature is enabled. We have two nodes in the cluster. Is it enabled for both the nodes ? Let’s check
NetUA::system license> show

Serial Number: 1-80-000008
Owner: NetUA
Package           Type    Description           Expiration
----------------- ------- --------------------- --------------------
Base              license Cluster Base License  -

Serial Number: 1-81-0000000000000004079432749
Owner: NetUA-01
Package           Type    Description           Expiration
----------------- ------- --------------------- --------------------
iSCSI             license iSCSI License         -
2 entries were displayed.

NetUA::system license>
We can see that iSCSI feature is just enabled for NetUA-01 node. We must enable the iSCSI feature for node 2 as well.Let’s add the license key for Node 2.
NetUA::system license> add -license-code XXXXLUNFXMXXXXEZFAAAAAAXXXX
License for package "iSCSI" and serial number "1-81-0000000000000004034389062" installed successfully.
(1 of 1 added successfully)

NetUA::system license> show

Serial Number: 1-80-000008
Owner: NetUA
Package           Type    Description           Expiration
----------------- ------- --------------------- --------------------
Base              license Cluster Base License  -

Serial Number: 1-81-0000000000000004034389062
Owner: NetUA-02
Package           Type    Description           Expiration
----------------- ------- --------------------- --------------------
iSCSI             license iSCSI License         -

Serial Number: 1-81-0000000000000004079432749
Owner: NetUA-01
Package           Type    Description           Expiration
----------------- ------- --------------------- --------------------
iSCSI             license iSCSI License         -
3 entries were displayed.

NetUA::system license>
We can see that iSCSI feature has been enabled for both the cluster nodes.

2. To add the multiple license keys , use the following command.
License for package "SnapMirror" and serial number "1-81-0000000000000004079432749" installed successfully.
License for package "SnapMirror" and serial number "1-81-0000000000000004034389062" installed successfully.
(2 of 2 added successfully)

NetUA::system license> show

Serial Number: 1-80-000008
Owner: NetUA
Package           Type    Description           Expiration
----------------- ------- --------------------- --------------------
Base              license Cluster Base License  -

Serial Number: 1-81-0000000000000004034389062
Owner: NetUA-02
Package           Type    Description           Expiration
----------------- ------- --------------------- --------------------
SnapMirror        license SnapMirror License    -

Serial Number: 1-81-0000000000000004079432749
Owner: NetUA-01
Package           Type    Description           Expiration
----------------- ------- --------------------- --------------------
SnapMirror        license SnapMirror License    -
3 entries were displayed.

NetUA::system license>

To Remove the NetApp feature License:

1. To remove the license keys , you must specify the node’s serial number in which you want to remove the feature. Here we are  removing the iSCSI license on both the nodes.
NetUA::system license> delete -serial-number 1-81-0000000000000004079432749 -package iSCSI

Warning: The following license will be removed:
         iSCSI               1-81-0000000000000004079432749
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

NetUA::system license> show

Serial Number: 1-80-000008
Owner: NetUA
Package           Type    Description           Expiration
----------------- ------- --------------------- --------------------
Base              license Cluster Base License  -

Serial Number: 1-81-0000000000000004034389062
Owner: NetUA-02
Package           Type    Description           Expiration
----------------- ------- --------------------- --------------------
iSCSI             license iSCSI License         -
2 entries were displayed.

NetUA::system license> delete -serial-number 1-81-0000000000000004034389062 -package iSCSI

Warning: The following license will be removed:
         iSCSI               1-81-0000000000000004034389062
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

NetUA::system license> show

Serial Number: 1-80-000008
Owner: NetUA
Package           Type    Description           Expiration
----------------- ------- --------------------- --------------------
Base              license Cluster Base License  -

NetUA::system license>

How to clean-up the unused and expired license on NetApp ?

You can delete the un-used and expired license using the delete command. But in huge environment, we have option to clean-up the unused and expired license in one shot.
1. Just type clean-up and use the “?” to see the available options.
NetUA::system license> clean-up ?
  [[-unused] [true]]          Remove unused licenses
  [ -expired [true] ]         Remove expired licenses
  [ -simulate|-n [true] ]     Simulate Only

NetUA::system license> clean-up

2. Let’s simulate for unused license keys on our cluster.
NetUA::system license> clean-up -simulate true -unused
The following licenses can be cleaned up:

Serial number: 1-81-2580252174352410562389062
Owner: none
Package                   Reason
------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
iSCSI                     Serial number is not used by any node in the cluster

NetUA::system license>
The above listed license can be cleaned up since its not used for any nodes.

3.To check the expired licence , use the following command.
NetUA::system license> clean-up -simulate true -expired
No license to clean-up.
NetUA::system license>

4. Let’s clean-up the unused license . (Based on Step 2)
NetUA::system license> clean-up -unused true
1 unused license deleted.
NetUA::system license>
NetUA::system license> clean-up -simulate true -unused
No license to clean-up.
NetUA::system license>

The same way you can remove the expired license if you have any.

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