Thursday, 17 March 2016

Snapmirror Configuration from Scratch

Netapp Snapmirror Configuration from Scratch


1. Snapmirror License
2. Source/Destination Filers OR Source and Destination Volumes in the same filer
3. Network between the source and destination opened port 10566 and 10565
4. Software Tools: Putty, On Command Manager OR FilerView

Snapmirror: Snapmirror is a method of block level data replication from one to another filer OR in the same filer. 

  • Snapmirror is technology invented by NetApp

  • Snapmirror will use snapshot to replicate the data from source to destination

  • Snapmirror is a pulling mechanism  

    Network: 10566 and 10565 ports should open from the firewall to allow the snapmirror data through network

     Not for All environments TCP Window can be configured as per the Source to Destination Network Link Speed and Latency Milliseconds.
    Formula= window size = (((0.08sec) × (400000000 bps)) / 8) bytes = 4000000 bytes 

    Ø  Using Snapmirror, the destination filer / NearStore must be greater than or equal to the version of Data ONTAP on the source filer.
    Ø  When the source filer is using Traditional Volumes and the destination filer is using Flexible volumes, this is not possible. However, you can use Qtree SnapMirror in this case.

    Check from the both the filers that your able to ping
    Sourcefiler>ping Destinationfiler
    Destinationfiler>ping Sourcefiler
    Add the Snapmirror License in Source and Destination Filers.
    Sourcefiler> license add <License Key>
    Destinationfiler> license <License Key>

    Then Check the Licenses are added or not using

    Enable the Snapmirror in source And Destination using below Commands
    Sourcefiler>options snapmirror.enable on
    Destinationfiler>options snapmirror.enable on

    Check the Status of Snapmirror is enabled or not
    Sourcefiler>snapmirror status
    Destinationfiler>snapmiror status

    Change the snapmirror.access options to the ‘legacy’ to Control the snapmirror access by snapmirror.allow file.

    To change the snapmirror access to ‘legacy’ use below command
    Sourcefiler>options snapmirror.access legacy
    Destinationfiler> options snapmirror.access legacy

    Allow the Source and Destination Filers to have access each other to writing in the file

    Sourcefiler>wrfile /etc/snapmirror.allow
    <Destination filer name OR IP>

    Ctrl+c – to save the config file.

    Destinationfiler>wrfile /etc/snapmirror.allow
    <Sourcefilername OR IP>

    Ctrl+c – to save the config file.

    To confirm file is saved or not use the bellow command.

    Sourcefiler>rdfile /etc/snapmirror.allow

    Then verify both the filers are pinging each other from the source and destination filers.
    Check both Filers Destinations are visible OR not

    Sourcefiler>snapmirror destinations
    Destinationfiler>snapmirror destinations

    Then Create the Volumes in Source and Destination Filers.
    Sourcefiler>vol create <VolumeName> <AggregateName> +100g
    Destinationfiler>vol create <VolumeName> <AggregateName> +100g

    Note: compare to the soure volume Destionation volume should be equal or more than source

    If you’re planning to use QTree snapmirror you have to create a Qtree’s

    Conditions for Creating Volumes:

    Ø  Destination volume should be equal to or greater than the Source Volume.
    Ø  Enabled the volume options
    Options <volumeName> Convert_ucode on,
     Options <volumeName>  create_ucode on,
    Options <volumeName>  Fractional_Reserve 0
    Options <volumeName> nosnap on

    After Creating the Volume's in source and Destination filers start the initial Snapmirror which will take total volume data sync.

    To initialize the Snapmirror use the below command. Before you initialize the snapmirror destination volume you have to keep either in offline/Read-only mode

    Note: Any operation of Snapmirror can be done from destination only.

    Snapmirror is a pulling technology which will pull the data from source to destination always.

    Destinationfiler>snapmirror initialize –S Sourcefiler:/vol/<volumeName> DestinationFiler:/vol/<VolumeName>

    You should use –S option for first initialization

    Check the Snapmirror status using snapmirror status Command

    After Completion of first initialization you can schedule the Snapmirror to writing configuration file

    Destinationfiler>wrfile /etc/snapmirror.conf
    SourceFiler:<VolumeName> Destination:<VolumeName> - 10,40 * * *

    Ctrls+c – to save the configuration file.

    Sample Schedule for Every 40Mins Repeat

    Note: While Adding the Snapmirror Schedule all the Snapmirror should be in idle state OR Switchoff the Snapmirror.

    If you want to break the Relationship between Source and Destination Filers follow the Procedure.

    Destinationfiler>snapmirror quience <VolumeName>
    Destinationfiler>snapmirror break <VolumeName>

    After Completion of Snapmirror break destination volume will come to the Writable mode.

    For restart the Snapmirror Relationship between Source and Destination

    Destinationfiler>snapmirror resync <VolumeName> 

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