Snapmirror to tape we will use in situation that snapmirror transfer is huge in size, if base snapshot is deleted, If WAN link is too less to transfer the base line. If you’re in cascading mode of replication it is not possible to transfer the snapmirror base line continuously without interrupting the second site snapmirror transfer.
1. Compatible tape drives or tape library
2. FC Cables to connect the tape drives to Netapp filer (Required Length)
3. Power cables to connect for the tape drives (Required Length)
4. Media’s for writing the DATA (Quantity is depend upon Volume Size)
5. Netapp Filer free port to connect the tape drive. (FC, SCSI or SAS).
Connect the tape drive to the Netapp filer directly or Using SAN Switch.
Note: Note the port number, from the Netapp Filer ( where you have flagged in the FC cable. .i.e. 0d.)
Verify fcadmin configuration of connected port it should be in initiator mode to push the backup from Netapp Filer to Tape.
Verify using below Command :
NetappFiler>fcadmin config
Adapter Type State Status
0a initiator CONFIGURED. online
0b initiator CONFIGURED online
0c target CONFIGURED online
0d target CONFIGURED online
As shown in above output, it should not be in target mode.
For changing configuration from target to initiator use command.
below Command :
NetappFiler>fcadmin config –t initiator 0d
It will not change if you directly change the fc port to initiator;
you have to reboot the controller.
Note: If your storage is in cluster then change ownership to another cluster node using below command
NetappFiler>cf takeover
it will ask to wait for some time around 5minutes to take over
Then reboot the controller using below command
After completion of controller reboot, you have bring back the node to working state for that use below command
NetappFiler>cf giveback
It will bring back all the services to normal state such as CIFS, NFS, snapmirror and Etc.
After completion of reboot check the status of FC port
NetappFiler>fcadmin config
Adapter Type State Status
0a initiator CONFIGURED. online
0b initiator CONFIGURED online
0c target CONFIGURED online
0d initiator CONFIGURED online
Here is the above output is showing changed port to initiator.
Now check in the sysconfig you’re able to see the tape drive or not.
NetappFiler>sysconfig -t
Tape drive (0d.5) IBM ULT3580-HH5 (Non-qualified tape drive)
If tape drive is showing as above as not qualified, it means your tape configuration file not there.
Download the configuration file by checking your tape drive model and make. We have to change the tape drive configuration file.
Change your TCF file if not available in /etc/tape_config path. Example is below
IBM ULT3580-HH5 (LTO 5)
7.3.2(FC); 8.1.0(SAS)
Now tape configuration file is in place then perform the below steps to verify
NetappFiler>fcp show adapter
Slot: 0c
Description: Fibre Channel Target Adapter 0c (Dual-channel, QLogic2 432 (2462) rev. 2)
Adapter Type: Local
Status: ONLINE
FC Nodename: 50:0a:09:80:89:5b:7d:36 (500a0980895b7d36)
FC Portname: 50:0a:09:83:89:5b:7d:36 (500a0983895b7d36)
Standby: No
Slot: 0d
Description: Fibre Channel Target Adapter 0d (Dual-channel, QLogic 2 432 (2462) rev. 2)
Adapter Type: Local
Status: ONLINE
FC Nodename: 50:0a:09:80:89:5b:7d:36 (500a0980895b7d36)
FC Portname: 50:0a:09:81:89:5b:7d:36 (500a0981895b7d36)
Standby: No
NetappFile>storage unalias –t
Above command will remove all the tape drive aliases.
Syntax: fcadmin config –d <port Number>
To refresh the port status disable the port and enable the port
NetappFiler>fcadmin config -d 0d
Above command will disable the port 0d.
NetappFiler>fcadmin config –e 0d
Above command will enable the 0d port.
Then check whether your able to see the tape drive or not.
NetappFiler>sysconfig -t
Tape drive (0d.5) IBM ULT3580-HH5
rst0l - rewind device, format is: LTO-3(ro)/4 4/800GB
nrst0l - no rewind device, format is: LTO-3(ro)/4 4/800GB
urst0l - unload/reload device, format is: LTO-3(ro)/4 4/800GB
rst0m - rewind device, format is: LTO-3(ro)/4 8/1600GBcmp
nrst0m - no rewind device, format is: LTO-3(ro)/4 8/1600GBcmp
urst0m - unload/reload device, format is: LTO-3(ro)/4 8/1600GBcmp
rst0h - rewind device, format is: LTO-5 1600GB
nrst0h - no rewind device, format is: LTO-5 1600GB
urst0h - unload/reload device, format is: LTO-5 1600GB
rst0a - rewind device, format is: LTO-5 3200GB cmp
nrst0a - no rewind device, format is: LTO-5 3200GB cmp
urst0a - unload/reload device, format is: LTO-5 3200GB cmp
NetappFiler>storage show tape
Tape Drive: 0d.5
Description: IBM ULT3580-HH5
Serial Number: 1068046687
WWNN: 2:004:000e11:1466e1
WWPN: 2:005:000e11:1466e1
Alias Name(s): st0
Device State: available
Above is the situation we are able to see the tape drive in Netapp Filer
Now tape drive is ready to fire a backup of snapmirror
Use the below command to fire the backup from the filer to tape
NetappFiler>snapmirror store /vol/volume1 rst0a
Reference: snapmirror_tape_4_28_13_23:20:01
Snapmirror transfer has been started. You can check the snapmirror to tape status using below command.
NetappFiler>snapmirror status
After completion of media full it will ask for another media to continue the snapmirror backup
It will show like Waiting.. in snapmirror so that we have to change the media. Insert the one more media into the drive and use the command to continue the backup
NetappFiler>snapmirror use MCACntrl1-Del:rst0h rst0h
It will continue the snapmirror to tape.
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