Thursday, 17 March 2016

Clustered DATA ONTAP – Volumes (FlexVol , Infinite volume,FlexCache Volume).

In NetApp , Volumes are used to store the system data, filesystem and clients data. By default, node’s operating system (mroot) is installed on  volume “vol0”.  Volumes are created on top of aggregates and vol0 resides on aggr0 by default. The “volume create” command creates a volume on a specified Vserver and storage aggregate. NetApp offerers there type of volumes to meet the customers requirement.
  • FlexVol Volume
  • Infinite Volume
  • FlexCache Volume

 FlexVol Volumes:

Clustered Data ONTAP flexible volumes are functionally equivalent to flexible volumes in the Data ONTAP 7-Mode
and the Data ONTAP 7G operating system. However, clustered Data ONTAP systems use flexible volumes differently than Data ONTAP 7-Mode and Data ONTAP 7G systems do. Because Data ONTAP clusters are inherently flexible (particularly because of the volume move capability), volumes are deployed as freely as UNIX directories and
Windows folders are deployed to separate logical groups of data.
Volumes can be created and deleted, mounted and unmounted, moved around, and backed up as needed. To take
advantage of this flexibility, cluster deployments typically use many more volumes than traditional Data ONTAP 7G
deployments use. In a high-availability ( HA) pair, aggregate and volume limits apply to each node individually, so the overall limit for the pair is effectively doubled.
NetApp SVM FlexVol
NetApp SVM FlexVol

Let’s create a new FlexVolume on ua_vs1 SVM(Vserver).
1. Login to the cluster management LIF as admin.

2. Create a new volume on aggregate “NetUA01_aggr1” in Vserver “ua_vs1” with the size of 100MB.
NetUA::> volume create -vserver ua_vs1 -volume uavol1 -aggregate NetUA01_aggr1 -size 100MB -junction-path /uavol1
[Job 105] Job succeeded: Successful


3. List the volumes to see the newly created one.
NetUA::> vol show
  (volume show)
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
NetUA-01  vol0         aggr0_01     online     RW      851.5MB    421.0MB   50%
NetUA-02  vol0         aggr0_02     online     RW      851.5MB    420.2MB   50%
ua_vs1    ua_vs1_root  NetUA01_aggr1
                                    online     RW         20MB    18.89MB    5%
ua_vs1    uavol1       NetUA01_aggr1
                                    online     RW        100MB    94.88MB    5%
4 entries were displayed.


4. Verify the junction path of the volume and security style.
NetUA::> vol show -vserver ua_vs1  -volume uavol1 -fields junction-path
  (volume show)
vserver volume junction-path
------- ------ -------------
ua_vs1  uavol1 /uavol1

NetUA::> vol show -vserver ua_vs1  -volume uavol1 -fields security-style
  (volume show)
vserver volume security-style
------- ------ --------------
ua_vs1  uavol1 unix


5. To view the full detail of the volume, use the following command.
NetUA::> vol show -vserver ua_vs1  -volume uavol1
  (volume show)

                                 Vserver Name: ua_vs1
                                  Volume Name: uavol1
                               Aggregate Name: NetUA01_aggr1
                                  Volume Size: 100MB
                           Volume Data Set ID: 1026
                    Volume Master Data Set ID: 2147484674
                                 Volume State: online
                                  Volume Type: RW
                                 Volume Style: flex
                       Is Cluster-Mode Volume: true
                        Is Constituent Volume: false
                                Export Policy: default
                                      User ID: 0
                                     Group ID: 1
                               Security Style: unix
                             UNIX Permissions: ---rwxr-xr-x
                                Junction Path: /uavol1
                         Junction Path Source: RW_volume
                              Junction Active: true
                       Junction Parent Volume: ua_vs1_root
                               Available Size: 94.88MB
                              Filesystem Size: 100MB
                      Total User-Visible Size: 95MB
                                    Used Size: 124KB
                              Used Percentage: 5%
         Volume Nearly Full Threshold Percent: 95%
                Volume Full Threshold Percent: 98%
         Maximum Autosize (for flexvols only): 120MB
       Autosize Increment (for flexvols only): 5MB
                             Minimum Autosize: 100MB
           Autosize Grow Threshold Percentage: 85%
         Autosize Shrink Threshold Percentage: 50%
                                Autosize Mode: off
         Autosize Enabled (for flexvols only): false
          Total Files (for user-visible data): 3033
           Files Used (for user-visible data): 96
                        Space Guarantee Style: volume
                    Space Guarantee in Effect: true
            Snapshot Directory Access Enabled: true
                 Space Reserved for Snapshots: 5%
                        Snapshot Reserve Used: 0%
                              Snapshot Policy: default
                                Creation Time: Sat Dec 05 17:53:43 2015
                                     Language: C.UTF-8
                                 Clone Volume: false
                   Antivirus On-Access Policy: default
                                    Node name: NetUA-01
                                NVFAIL Option: off
                    Is File System Size Fixed: false
                                Extent Option: off
                Reserved Space for Overwrites: 0B
                           Fractional Reserve: 100%
                  Snapshot Cloning Dependency: off
            Primary Space Management Strategy: volume_grow
                     Read Reallocation Option: off
             Inconsistency in the File System: false
                 Is Volume Quiesced (On-Disk): false
               Is Volume Quiesced (In-Memory): false
    Volume Contains Shared or Compressed Data: false
            Space Saved by Storage Efficiency: 0B
       Percentage Saved by Storage Efficiency: 0%
                 Space Saved by Deduplication: 0B
            Percentage Saved by Deduplication: 0%
                Space Shared by Deduplication: 0B
                   Space Saved by Compression: 0B
        Percentage Space Saved by Compression: 0%
                                   Block Type: 64-bit
                  FlexCache Connection Status: -
                             Is Volume Moving: false
               Flash Pool Caching Eligibility: read-write
Flash Pool Write Caching Ineligibility Reason: -
                   Managed By Storage Service: -
Create Namespace Mirror Constituents For SnapDiff Use: -
                      Constituent Volume Role: -
                        QoS Policy Group Name: -
              Is Volume Move in Cutover Phase: false
      Number of Snapshot Copies in the Volume: 0

This FlexVol volume can be export to NFS clients directly.  For CIFS clients, you need to create the shares.

7-Mode Volume vs C-Mode Volume:

  • C-Mode Namespaces allows to mount the volume on top of another volume.
7-Mode volume vs C-Mode Volumes
7-Mode volume vs C-Mode Volumes

  • Volumes are distributed across the node.
Distributed volumes on C-Mode
Distributed volumes on C-Mode

Junctions are conceptually similar to UNIX mount points. In UNIX, a disk can be divided into partitions, and then those partitions can be mounted at multiple places relative to the root of the local file system, including in a hierarchical manner. Likewise, the flexible volumes in a Data ONTAP cluster can be mounted at junction points within other volumes to form a single namespace that is distributed throughout the cluster. Although junctions appear as directories, junctions have the basic functionality of symbolic links. A volume is not visible in the namespace of its Vserver until the volume is mounted within the namespace.

Junction paths:
NetUA::> volume show -vserver ua_vs1 -volume * -fields junction-path
vserver volume      junction-path
------- ----------- -------------
ua_vs1  ua_vs1_root /
ua_vs1  uavol1      /uavol1
2 entries were displayed.


If you would like to modify the junction path of the existing volume, just remount it like following.
NetUA::> volume show -vserver ua_vs1 -volume * -fields junction-path
vserver volume      junction-path
------- ----------- -------------
ua_vs1  ua_vs1_root /
ua_vs1  uavol1      /uavol1
2 entries were displayed.

NetUA::> volume unmount -vserver ua_vs1 -volume uavol1

NetUA::> volume mount -vserver ua_vs1 -volume uavol1 -junction-path /uavol1_new

NetUA::> volume show
    show           show-footprint show-space
NetUA::> volume show -vserver ua_vs1 -volume * -fields junction-path
vserver volume      junction-path
------- ----------- -------------
ua_vs1  ua_vs1_root /
ua_vs1  uavol1      /uavol1_new
2 entries were displayed.


You need to junction path to mount the volumes on NFS clients.
root@uacloud:~# mount -t nfs /uavol1 is Vserver LIF
/uavol1_new is volume Junction Path.

FlexCache Volumes:

A FlexCache volume is a sparsely-populated volume on a cluster node, that is backed by a FlexVol volume. It is usually created on a different node within the cluster. A FlexCache volume provides access to data in the origin  volume without requiring that all the data be in the sparse volume. You can use only FlexVol volumes to create  FlexCache volumes. However, many of the regular FlexVol volume features are not supported on FlexCache  volumes, such as Snapshot copy creation, deduplication, compression, FlexClone volume creation, volume move, and volume copy. You can use FlexCache volumes to speed up access to data, or to offload traffic from heavily accessed volumes. FlexCache volumes help improve performance, especially when clients need to access the same data repeatedly, because the data can be served directly without having to access the source. Therefore, you can use FlexCache volumes to handle system workloads that are read-intensive. Cache consistency techniques help in ensuring that the data that is served by the FlexCache volumes remains consistent with the data in the origin volumes.
FlexCache Volume
FlexCache Volume

Reason to Deploy Flexcahe:

  • Decrease IO latency
  • Increase IOPS
  • Balance Resources

Flex Cache - Scenario
Flex Cache – Scenario

  • The cache volumes are a part of the same namespace as the origin volume.
  • An incoming file operation may be served from the cache volume or from the origin volume depending on which LIF is used for the operation. If a cache volume exists on the node containing the LIF that gets the incoming request, the operation may be served from the cache volume on that node.
  • FlexCache is suitable for work loads that are read intensive and for data that does not change frequently.
  • Pulls the data on demand
  • Just caches the data blocks requested. Unlike load sharing mirrors, FlexCache only caches the data blocks that are accessed. A cache is populated only when there is a request for the data.
  • It supports NFS v3/v4  and SMB 1.0/2.0/3.0
  • Clients are not aware of which volume (origin or FlexCache) is serving the data.

Let’s assume that uavol1 is experiencing some performance issue. To improve the read performance of uavol1, just create a flexcache.
1.Login to the Cluster LIF and list the volumes.
NetUA::> vol show
  (volume show)
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
NetUA-01  vol0         aggr0_01     online     RW      851.5MB    359.1MB   57%
NetUA-02  vol0         aggr0_02     online     RW      851.5MB    412.0MB   51%
ua_vs1    ua_vs1_root  NetUA01_aggr1
                                    online     RW         20MB    18.88MB    5%
ua_vs1    uavol1       NetUA01_aggr1
                                    online     RW        100MB    94.87MB    5%
6 entries were displayed.


2.Create the flexcache volume for uavol1. The following command create the cache volumes on all the cluster nodes if you didn’t specify the node names.
NetUA::> volume flexcache create -vserver ua_vs1  -origin-volume uavol1

Successfully created cache volume "uavol1_cache_NetUA01_aggr1" in aggregate "NetUA01_aggr1".
Successfully created cache volume "uavol1_cache_NetUA01_aggr2" in aggregate "NetUA01_aggr2".
The origin volume "uavol1" is now cached on all qualifying aggregates in the cluster.


3. Verify the newly created flex cache volumes.
NetUA::> vol show
    show           show-footprint show-space

NetUA::> vol show
  (volume show)
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
NetUA-01  vol0         aggr0_01     online     RW      851.5MB    359.4MB   57%
NetUA-02  vol0         aggr0_02     online     RW      851.5MB    412.6MB   51%
ua_vs1    ua_vs1_root  NetUA01_aggr1
                                    online     RW         20MB    18.88MB    5%
ua_vs1    uavol1       NetUA01_aggr1
                                    online     RW        100MB    94.87MB    5%
ua_vs1    uavol1_cache_NetUA01_aggr1
                                    online     DC         20MB    19.90MB    0%
ua_vs1    uavol1_cache_NetUA01_aggr2
                                    online     DC         20MB    19.90MB    0%
6 entries were displayed.

4. If you would like to check the active flex cache on the cluster , use the following command.
NetUA::> volume flexcache show
        --------------------Cache-------------- Conn.- -----Origin-----------
Vserver Volume Aggregate Size  State  Available Status Volume Aggregate State
------- ------ --------- ----- ------ --------- ------ ------ --------- -----
ua_vs1  uavol1_cache_NetUA01_aggr1
                          20MB online   19.90MB     ok uavol1 NetUA01_aggr1
                          20MB online   19.90MB     ok uavol1 NetUA01_aggr1
2 entries were displayed.


5. To list the specific volume and related objects, use the following command.
NetUA::> volume show -vserver ua_vs1  -volume uavol1*
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
ua_vs1    uavol1       NetUA01_aggr1
                                    online     RW        100MB    94.87MB    5%
ua_vs1    uavol1_cache_NetUA01_aggr1
                                    online     DC         20MB    19.90MB    0%
ua_vs1    uavol1_cache_NetUA01_aggr2
                                    online     DC         20MB    19.90MB    0%
3 entries were displayed.


6. You have option to filter the volumes using type.
NetUA::> volume show -type ?
  RW                          read-write volume
  LS                          load-sharing volume
  DP                          data-protection volume
  TMP                         temporary volume
  DC                          data-cache volume

NetUA::> volume show -vserver ua_vs1  -volume uavol1*
NetUA::> volume show -type  DC
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
ua_vs1    uavol1_cache_NetUA01_aggr1
                                    online     DC         20MB    19.90MB    0%
ua_vs1    uavol1_cache_NetUA01_aggr2
                                    online     DC         20MB    19.90MB    0%
2 entries were displayed.

NetUA::> volume show -type  RW
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
NetUA-01  vol0         aggr0_01     online     RW      851.5MB    359.0MB   57%
NetUA-02  vol0         aggr0_02     online     RW      851.5MB    411.7MB   51%
ua_vs1    ua_vs1_root  NetUA01_aggr1
                                    online     RW         20MB    18.88MB    5%
ua_vs1    uavol1       NetUA01_aggr1
                                    online     RW        100MB    94.87MB    5%
4 entries were displayed.


7.Flex Cache volumes uses the same name space of Flex-volume (original volume)
NetUA::> volume show -fields junction-path uavol1*
vserver volume junction-path
------- ------ -------------
ua_vs1  uavol1 /uavol1_new
ua_vs1  uavol1_cache_NetUA01_aggr1
ua_vs1  uavol1_cache_NetUA01_aggr2
3 entries were displayed.


8. To see the flex cache-policy for all the Vservers, you need to gain the advanced privileges.
NetUA::> set advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

NetUA::*> volume show
    show           show-footprint show-space
NetUA::*> volume flexcache
    cache-policy create       delete       show

NetUA::*> volume flexcache cache-policy show
          Policy     File   Dir    Meta   Symbol Other  Delegation  Prefer
Vserver   Name       TTL    TTL    TTL    TTL    TTL    LRU timeout LocalCache
--------- ---------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----------- ----------
ua_vs1    default    0      0      15     0      0      3600        false



SVMs with Infinite Volume can contain only one infinite volume to serve data. Each SVM with Infinite Volume includes only one junction path, which has a default value of /NS. The junction provides a single mount point for the large namespace provided by the SVM with Infinite Volume. You cannot add more junctions to an SVM with Infinite Volume. However, you can increase the size of the infinite volume. SVMs with Infinite Volume can contain only files. They provide file-level data access by using NFS and CIFS (SMB 1.0) protocols. SVMs with Infinite Volume cannot contain LUNs and do not provide block-level data access.

NetApp Create the Infinite Volume
NetApp Create the Infinite Volume

Namespace mirror is a type of data protection mirror. It is not a load-sharing or FlexCache device. The namespace mirror is not an active namespace constituent. It cannot serve the incoming requests until it is promoted to a namespace constituent, in case the namespace constituent is not available.

Infinite Volume - Namespace
Infinite Volume – Namespace

Let’s Configure the Infinite volume.
1.Login to the cluster LIF  as admin
2.Create  a Vserver to host an infinite volume.
NetUA::*> vserver create -vserver infisvm -rootvolume infisvm_root -aggregate NetUA01_aggr2 -ns-switch file -nm-switch file -rootvolume-security-style unix -language C -is-repository true
[Job 165] Job succeeded:                                                                                                                             Vserver creation completed
NetUA::*> vserver show
                    Admin     Root                  Name    Name
Vserver     Type    State     Volume     Aggregate  Service Mapping
----------- ------- --------- ---------- ---------- ------- -------
NetUA       admin   -         -          -          -       -
NetUA-01    node    -         -          -          -       -
NetUA-02    node    -         -          -          -       -
infisvm     data    running   infisvm_   NetUA01_   file    file
                              root       aggr2
ua_vs1      data    running   ua_vs1_    NetUA01_   file    file
                              root       aggr1
5 entries were displayed.

NetUA::*> vserver show infisvm

                                    Vserver: infisvm
                               Vserver Type: data
                               Vserver UUID: 30bd38e7-9d13-11e5-b3cd-123478563412
                                Root Volume: infisvm_root
                                  Aggregate: NetUA01_aggr2
                        Name Service Switch: file
                        Name Mapping Switch: file
                                 NIS Domain: -
                 Root Volume Security Style: unix
                                LDAP Client: -
               Default Volume Language Code: C
                            Snapshot Policy: default-1weekly
                 Antivirus On-Access Policy: repos_disabled_antivirus_onaccess_policy
                               Quota Policy: default
                List of Aggregates Assigned: -
 Limit on Maximum Number of Volumes allowed: unlimited
                        Vserver Admin State: running
                          Allowed Protocols: nfs, cifs
                       Disallowed Protocols: fcp, iscsi, ndmp
            Is Vserver with Infinite Volume: true
                           QoS Policy Group: -


3. Create a 6-GB infinite volume. You must be in “Advanced” privileges mode to create the infinite volume.
NetUA::*> vol create -vserver infisvm -volume bigvol1 -size 2gb -junction-path /bigvol1 -state online -policy repos_namespace_export_policy -data-aggr-list NetUA01_aggr2,NetUA01_aggr1
  (volume create)
[Job 168] Job succeeded: Created Infinite Volume successfully.


NetUA::*> vol show -vserver infisvm
  (volume show)
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
infisvm   bigvol1      -            online     RW          2GB     1.90GB    5%
infisvm   infisvm_root NetUA01_aggr2
                                    online     RW         20MB    18.88MB    5%
2 entries were displayed.


4. You can see more information about the infinitie volume when you switch to the diag mode.
NetUA::*> set diag

Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

NetUA::*> vol show -vserver infisvm
  (volume show)
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
infisvm   bigvol1      -            online     RW          2GB     1.90GB    5%
infisvm   bigvol1_1024_data0001
                                    online     RW        768MB    729.5MB    5%
infisvm   bigvol1_1024_data0002
                                    online     RW        768MB    729.5MB    5%
infisvm   bigvol1_ns   NetUA01_aggr1
                                    online     RW        256MB    243.1MB    5%
infisvm   bigvol1_ns_mirror0001
                                    online     DP        256MB    243.1MB    5%
infisvm   infisvm_root NetUA01_aggr2
                                    online     RW         20MB    18.86MB    5%
6 entries were displayed.

NetUA::*> vol show -vserver infisvm  -fields is-constituent,constituent-role
  (volume show)
vserver volume  is-constituent constituent-role
------- ------- -------------- ----------------
infisvm bigvol1 false          -
infisvm bigvol1_1024_data0001
                true           data
infisvm bigvol1_1024_data0002
                true           data
infisvm bigvol1_ns
                true           namespace
infisvm bigvol1_ns_mirror0001
                true           ns_mirror
infisvm infisvm_root
                false          -
6 entries were displayed.

NetUA::*> vol show -vserver infisvm  -fields aggregate,size
  (volume show)
vserver volume  aggregate size
------- ------- --------- ----
infisvm bigvol1 -         2GB
infisvm bigvol1_1024_data0001
infisvm bigvol1_1024_data0002
infisvm bigvol1_ns
infisvm bigvol1_ns_mirror0001
infisvm infisvm_root
6 entries were displayed.


5. Verify the junction path for the infinite volume.
NetUA::> vol show -vserver infisvm -volume bigvol1 -fields junction-path
  (volume show)
vserver volume  junction-path
------- ------- -------------
infisvm bigvol1 /bigvol1


6.In an order to access the Infinite volume hosting Vserver, you must create the LIF for that.
NetUA::> net int create -vserver infisvm  -lif infisvmlif -role data -home-node NetUA-02  -home-port e0d -address -netmask
  (network interface create)

Info: Your interface was created successfully; the routing group d192.168.0.0/24 was created

NetUA::> net int show
  (network interface show)
            Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
            cluster_mgmt up/up   NetUA-02      e0f     false
            clus1        up/up  NetUA-01      e0a     true
            clus2        up/up NetUA-01      e0b     true
            mgmt1        up/up    NetUA-01      e0f     true
            clus1        up/up  NetUA-02      e0a     true
            clus2        up/up  NetUA-02      e0b     true
            mgmt1        up/up    NetUA-02      e0f     true
            infisvmlif   up/up   NetUA-02      e0d     true
            uadata1      up/up   NetUA-01      e0c     true
9 entries were displayed.


7. Add the default router for the Vserver “infisvm”.
NetUA::> net routing-groups route create -vserver infisvm  -routing-group d192.168.0.0/24 -destination -gateway
  (network routing-groups route create)

NetUA::> net routing-groups route show
  (network routing-groups route show)
Vserver   Group     Destination     Gateway         Metric
--------- --------- --------------- --------------- ------
5 entries were displayed.

You should be able to access the SVM “infisvm” from the NFS or CIFS clients . To mount the infinite volume , you must configure the export policy.

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